Remove and add Office 365 license for Office 2016/2013 Applications


Office 2016 application keep saying license not active, and when you have reactivate it still appear as not active.

Solution 1:

Step 1:

Uninstall the current installed Office Application.

Step 2:

Download new installation file from Office 365 and install.

Solution 2:

Step 1:

Open Command prompt in elevated mode (Run As Administrator). Then change directory to following below.

1. If the office 2013 installed is 32 bit use following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15
2. If the office 2013 installed is 64 bit use the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15
3. If the office 2016 installed is 32 bit use following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16
4. If the office 2016 installed is 64 bit use the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16

Step 2:

Display the current installed license. They in the following command.
cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus

Step 3:

Remove all the office license installed. Run the command bellow untill all the license is remove.
cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:<5 Digit Key>

Step 4:

Reboot the computer.

Step 5:

Reactivate Office 365 Application, I prefer to use Excel. Open blank Workbook, then click File -> Account, then Click Activate Product. Then provide the office 365 account to activate.

How to force/manual sync Local Active Directory to Office 365


1. Installed DirSync
2. Configured DirSync


1. Open Power Shell as Administrator (User must be domain admin and part of the local administrator where DirSync is installed)
2. run import-module DirSync
3. run Start-OnlineCoexistenceSync
4. check Office 365 active user Last Sync Status state less than an hour.

Qmail can’t receive any email with error 451 qmail-spp failure: plugins/chkrcptto: child crashed (#4.3.0) (in reply to RCPT TO command))

Qmail cant receive any email.

451 qmail-spp failure: plugins/chkrcptto: child crashed (#4.3.0) (in reply to RCPT TO command))

Device /dev/full is missing.

#ls -al /dev/full
ls: /dev/full: No suce file or directory

How to fix:
mknod -m 666 /dev/full c 1 7
chown root:root /dev/full

Check if folder exist on bash command

if [ ! -e “$BACKUPDIR/latest” ] # Check Latest Directory exists.
mkdir -p “$BACKUPDIR/latest”

Install Windows 2008 server on a dynamic disk drive

A week ago I was task to build a server with windows 2008 server and MSSQL Server. I made some stress testing on the hardware but Im am not aware that two hard drive installed was previously installed with windows 2008 server windows raid also enable.

During the installation process I have noticed that both disk is already dynamic. I try to remove theĀ partitionĀ and remove format the disk. It seems that windows installation can’t remove any dynamic disk and can’t break the windows raid.

Remove the dynamic disk and make it basic disk.

1. Boot the Windows 2008 installation disk
2. Select repair instead of install
3. User DISKPART utility to remove revert the basic volume, Use the following commands below:

List the volume and find the volume # you want to convert

DISKPART> list volume
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 NTFS DYNAMIC *** GB Healthy
Volume 1 NTFS DYNAMIC *** MB Healthy

Select the volume N=Volume number, needs to be converted

DISKPART> select volume=N

Remove the volume

DISKPART> volume remove

Restore the basic volume, need to check what disk drive that have no volume

DISKPART> list disk
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---
Disk 0 Online *** GB 1024 KB
Disk 1 Online *** B 0 B

Select the drive N=disk number

DISKPART> select disk=N

Convert the the selected disk to basic volume

DISKPART> convert basic

The disk is now converted to basic disk, when you install again the windows 2008 it will show the disk is unallocated. Diskpart save my day!!! thanks to my colleagues for support!

DISCLAIMER: The above action will result data lost. The process meet the needs of the author to complete the task. The author is NOT responsible in any data lost or any damage cause with this action. Play diskpart at your own risk!

New mobile version

just installed mobile version to my blog

Im back online!

Thanks to brad boi for letting me know im suspended.